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Erb's Palsy Attorneys

There are no fees upfront when you work with an experienced Erb's palsy lawyer. They will only charge you when they succeed in obtaining compensation for your family. You can request a complimentary evaluation of your claim to determine if there is a case.

Medical malpractice can cause devastating injuries to families. Brooklyn Erb's palsy lawyers have the experience and tenacity required to secure justice and fair compensation for the victims.


When a child has Erb's syndrome, it can be a huge source of frustration for parents. This condition occurs when the brachial nerves that control the movements of the arm, shoulder and hand are damaged. An experienced lawyer can assist you to file a lawsuit against the medical professionals who caused the injury, and obtain compensation for your child.

The most common cause for this condition is shoulder dystocia. It's a type of birth trauma. It occurs when a baby's head enters the birth canal easily but the shoulders get stuck behind the pubic bone of the mother when she is born. This can lead to excessive pulling, and ultimately to injury.

This problem can be caused by many factors, such as a large baby and a petite mother gestational diabetes and a long "pushing" phase of labor, or a breech birth. This type of injury is preventable by the doctor using appropriate techniques during birth.

If a medical lapse during childbirth causes your child's erb's paralysis and you are qualified for compensation for your the future and past medical expenses including lost wages physical injuries, rehabilitation costs and specialized equipment. However these cases can be extremely complicated and time-sensitive, therefore it is crucial to find an experienced attorney for birth injuries immediately.

Track record

You should pursue legal action if your child develops Erb's Palsy due to medical negligence during the delivery. A reputable Erb's palsy lawyer can help you file suit against the hospital or doctor responsible for your child's injuries. Erb's syndrome is caused by a bundle called the brachialplexus which is a part of the baby's spine to their hands and arms and is stretched or torn. A lawyer with experience in Erb's psi can make the legal process easier for you and your loved ones.

An experienced attorney from Erb's Palsy can utilize a variety sources, including medical textbooks and journal articles, to build your case. They also will look through hospital records and witness testimony to determine if medical negligence occurred. Additionally, they'll look at any future expenses for your child's treatment to determine how much compensation you might be able to receive.

If you think that your child has Erb's palsy, request free case reviews today. Your family deserves justice and compensation for medical bills and therapy costs. An experienced Erb's Palsy lawyer will handle all details of your legal matter and will do their best to secure an agreement for you and your family. This will allow you to concentrate on your child instead of worrying about your lawsuit.


Generally, Erb's paralysis is caused by a trauma to a bundle of nerves in the shoulder known as the brachial plexus. Children suffering from the condition could have weakness, weak arm movement or loss of sensation. While many families can afford the cost of therapy and medication for their children, it could be a financial burden to cover medical expenses that result from this kind of birth injury. An experienced lawyer with experience in Erb's palsy could assist families in seeking financial compensation.

Medical professionals should be trained to recognize risk factors for brachial-plexus injuries and to be able to safely deliver a baby without harming the mother or baby. When they do not follow through it is considered medical malpractice and should be investigated by an Erb's palsy attorney.

Shoulder dystocia is a frequent cause. It occurs when shoulders are stuck behind the pubic bones of the mother after the head has passed through the birth canal. In the majority of cases, medical staff will be able free the shoulder prior to any serious injury occurs. In the case of negligence, Erb's Palsy attorneys a doctor or nurse can apply excessive traction to the neck and head. This could cause damage to the brachial nerves and result in Erb's palsy.

Our team of highly experienced New York Erb's Palsy lawyers are committed to defending the rights of victims as well as their families. We have the medical background and legal knowledge to comprehend the complexities involved in these types of claims, as well as the determination to fight insurance companies that attempt to deny claimants their due justice.


If your child is suffering from erb's paralysis it is possible to claim compensation through a lawsuit. This can be used to pay for medical expenses and earnings loss and rehabilitation equipment. It can also give families a sense of closure and justice. It is vital to choose the right lawyer to assist you in filing claims. A reputable attorney will not charge you upfront fees and will only charge you if they win your case.

The majority of erb's palsy attorneys cases involve a medical malpractice claim So it is essential to find an attorney with experience in this type of law. A skilled lawyer can review your medical records and erb's palsy attorneys determine if there is evidence of negligence. They can also enlist independent medical professionals to give their opinion on the matter. They can establish the applicable standard of care and prove that your health care providers violated this standard.

Medical negligence is often the reason for Erb's palsy. The condition occurs when the brachial-plexus nerve bundle that is located in the shoulder, gets injured. This can occur when the baby's shoulders or arms are pulled excessively during birth. A doctor can stop it by employing the dislodging procedure. Erb's palsy could cause permanent damage to the child, therefore it is essential to seek legal advice whenever you can.
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