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UPVC Window Repairs

Upvc windows are able to reduce heating costs and are energy efficient. However, as they age, issues can develop that require repair. This can include faulty hinges, handles or locks.

Wooden window repairs can be relatively straightforward for DIY enthusiasts to do themselves. It can also be much cheaper than buying a new window.


Cracks and fractures can be a major problem. If they are not fixed, they could lead to water ingress, less effective protection against cold temperatures and the possibility of structural damage. It is essential to locate an experienced local repair or builder who specializes in fixing upvc window repairs near me frames and has the experience, skills and tools needed to produce the best results. This will ensure that the fracture is repaired quickly before it gets worse and you don't need to replace your window unit or glass.

Small cracks in glass can be repaired by using a variety of home-based solutions. Masking tape and super glue are among the most popular products that will hold cracked glass in place for a few minutes. For cracks that are more extensive, tape may require to be extended on both sides.

You can also use two-part epoxy to repair damaged or cracked glasses. The majority of hardware stores sell this product for around $10. Ensure that your workspace is prepped before mixing the epoxy. Make sure you have the proper tool for the job such as a soldering iron.

If your upper or lower sash is difficult to raise it's most likely because the cords on the sash weights are damaged. This is a simple fix that is done with a ladder and flathead screwdriver. A damaged dripcap can be easily replaced at home. Drain caps that are free of rot are available at most home centers and can be nailed or caulked into place with ease. Also, if you have a double or triple-pane window, be certain to ensure that one of the panes isn't broken. This is due to the gases that are leaking out between the panes are responsible for improving energy efficiency and should be kept and not released.

Water Leaks

If your uPVC windows are leaking, it can cause damage to the interior of your home and result in costly repairs. Water leaks can also cause structural damage to your home and mold growth. To avoid the damage, it's essential to repair any issues caused by leaky windows as soon as possible.

A damaged sealant around window frames is a typical reason for leaks. Silicone caulking can restore the seal to its original state and prevent leakage. It's also important to check for cracks and gaps around the frame as well in the stone or brick walls that surround your windows.

Another reason for leaky windows is a blocked drainage hole or a defective flashing. It's important to check that the drainage holes are clean and unclogged, especially after a heavy rainstorm. It's also a good idea to inspect the flashing around the bottom of your window and ensure that it's sealed properly.

Finally, it's essential to make sure that your drip cap isn't broken or damaged. A rotted drip cap or one that's missing can allow water from above to get into your window and cause structural damage. Replacing a leaky drip cap isn't a daunting task. It's as simple as buying the new one and then nailing it to the.

A professional can also test your windows for watertightness. They can utilize a special instrument to test the water-tightness and strength of your windows and ensure they meet the industry standards. If your windows fail the test, you'll need to replace them. This is a costly fix, but it's worth it for the comfort and safety of your family.


If your windows don't close properly it can cause a number of issues, such as drafts condensation and an increase in energy bills. It could also be a sign that the windows were not properly fitted when they were installed or that the sealant has stopped working. There are a few options you can try to solve the issue.

doorpanels-300x200.jpgIn order to repair your window properly it is necessary to set up a work space that is well-lit. Start by laying down newspaper or an old blanket to shield the flooring from any splinters and drips that might fall off the windows as you work.

You should also use a white cloth which has been immersed in a solution of water and detergent. This will ensure that you do not leave any color stains on your windows. When you are ready to start working on your uPVC windows, begin by marking the location where the hinge channel needs to be located. Unscrew the channel, and then fill the screw holes in the frame with epoxy (for uPVC frames) or wood filler. Be sure to scrape the hole you have filled before it sets.

After the holes have been filled, you can put in the hinge channel. Make sure it is aligned with the window jamb, and make sure you drill the holes for the new screws about a quarter inch from the original locations.

Then, take a measurement of the length of the spindle protruding from underside of the handle and then order a replacement on the internet or bring your old one to an hardware store to get a matching. Then, remove the setscrew from the shaft. Smooth it down to allow the set screw to lock onto the shaft. Now your upvc window repairs near me window should close without difficulty.

Broken Hinges

There will be a problem opening or closing your uPVC windows when the hinges are damaged or not working properly. This can cause a security problem and prevent your home from remaining cool or warm. It is easy to get a new hinge for your uPVC window. However, window repairs it's important to ensure you have the correct hinge for your windows.

The hinges must be the same size to fit into the window frame. The most popular type of hinge used in uPVC windows is a standard 15mm or 18mm UPVC window hinge. However, there are specialised types of window hinges for different kinds of frames like wooden frames. Finding the right window hinge for your windows will help you avoid the common issues that homeowners encounter with their windows, Window repairs such as not closing properly.

Your window hinges could be stiff or loose due to a variety of reasons. The most common reason is that the hinges are not sufficiently tightened. To check, use an electric screwdriver to locate the friction screw on the end of the hinge. Release it. After that, you can adjust it by twisting it in any direction until you get the desired result.

If your UPVC window hinges are not working as they should, contact Preston Glass Fix for a quick repair. Our technicians will examine the condition of your window hinges and provide you with the best option for you. We can replace window hinges and retension them. We can also install new lock mechanisms to ensure your UPVC Windows are safe and secure.

Faulty locks

UPVC window locks and mechanism are a very important part of the security of your home, they make it very difficult to open the window without breaking in. It can be a hassle when a lock fails, but you don't have to replace the entire window.

It's usually an issue that could have been easily prevented by regular maintenance. This is why we suggest getting your uPVC windows serviced regularly with our yearly maintenance package to help reduce the likelihood of issues.

Most modern uPVC windows come with espagnolette locks which operate by pushing the handle's nose across a wedge block and then turning the handle to close the lock. They are very effective in keeping the window locked, but over time, they could begin to fail if they are not properly maintained. We recommend applying WD-40 to the lock every couple of times a year.

If you find that your uPVC window isn't opening and closing as quickly as it did in the past, or if the lock doesn't work properly, there may be a problem with locking gearboxes within the frame. This is often difficult to access since it requires removing the seals around the frame of the window, and removing the handle.

A locksmith who specialises in UPVC repairs is able to quickly identify the issue and will then be able replace the gearbox that failed to lock with an exact replacement. This is a fast and simple repair that can save you hundreds of dollars by avoiding the need to buy new windows.
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